A downloadable mod


Acabas de infiltrarte en una base enemiga para saber de donde salian tantos demonios, y descubres un portal. Decidiste entrar en el portal y este te llevo a un lugar sorprendente: Otra dimension, donde se producen demonios para que luchen aliados con los enemigos. Podras derrotar al que controla la dimension y luego destruir la dimension?

Este wad es una version no terry de SIGTAGNY.wad, la cual originalmente tenia trampas terry, screamers y mierda. Yo lo agarre e hice mi propia version de SIGTAGNY.wad, que es este pk3.

Modo de juego: Un solo jugador.

Motor recomentado: GZDoom 4.3.3

Mapas: 3 (MAP01, MAP02, MAP03), un TITLEMAP y un mapa CREDITS.

Ajustes de dificultad: No implementado.
No podes saltar ni agacharte, estan bloqueados por medio de mapinfo.

Este mod esta licenciado bajo la licencia CC-BY-SA. Podes modificarlo y distribuir copias modificadas, solo si me das credito y le pones la misma licencia.

Este pk3 esta en githubhttps://github.com/Urrova/DimensionalWeirdness


You just infiltrated an enemy base to find out where so many demons came from, and you discover a portal. You decided to enter the portal and it took you to a surprising place: Another dimension, where demons are produced to fight allies with enemies. Can you defeat the one who controls the dimension and then destroy the dimension?

This wad is a non-terry version of SIGTAGNY.wad, which originally had terry traps, screamers and shit. I grabbed it and made my own version of SIGTAGNY.wad, which is this pk3.

Game mode: Single player.

Recomended engine: GZDoom 4.3.3
Maps: 3 (MAP01, MAP02, MAP03), a TITLEMAP and a CREDITS map.
Difficulty settings: Not implemented.
You cannot jump or crouch, they are blocked by mapinfo.

This mod is licensed under the CC-BY-SA license. You can modify it and distribute modified copies, only if you give me credit and give it the same license.

This pk3 is on githubhttps://github.com/Urrova/DimensionalWeirdness



Install instructions

Descarga el archivo "dimensional-weirdness-stable.zip", descomprimilo y arrastralo sobre GZDoom.exe

DIMWEIRD.zip es una version vieja. Descargala si queres ver como era la primera version, pero recomiendo el otro zip

Download the file "dimensional-weirdness-stable.zip", descompress it and drag and drop it into GZDoom.exe

DIMWEIRD.zip is an older version. Download it only if you want to see the first version, but i recommend the other zip.

Development log


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